I have to permanently switch over from taking baths at night to taking showers in the morning. I'm suddenly secreting this strange pubescent oil from my pores that's causing high-octane bed hair.
Yesterday I walked into homeroom looking like Squiggy from "Laverne & Shirley," and that's a tough look to pull off without the leather jacket.
Besides, everybody knows Lenny's the cool one.
Our game of Nerf football ended early today, after I got into a fight with Junior when I pushed his little brother, Marvin, down on my way to my fifth touchdown.
Marvin started crying and Junior said "why did you push him?" and I said "because it's football!" and he said "how'd you like it if I pushed you?" and I said "then maybe you could've stopped my fifth touchdown. We're winning 56-7, y'know."
Then he said "yeah?" and I said "yeah!" Then he said "yeah???" and I said "yeah!!!" Then I said "Up your nose with a rubber hose!" That's when Junior said "C'mon, Marvin, we're going home!"
I guess pushing little brothers around is one thing, but for Junior, infringing on the copyrights of "Welcome Back, Kotter" is beyond the pale.